Bullying Prevention Month: Identifying and addressing bullying 

Three of four parents worry about their child being bullied. Parents know bullying is a problem, but they might not always know how to recognize its signs or how to address it. 

“October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time to focus and raise awareness on bullying,” said Kristin Westberg, senior director of curriculum and education at First Tee and author of several books on bullying. 

What is bullying?  

Bullying is defined as repeated aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Sometimes it can be difficult for parents to differentiate between bullying and bad behavior. Don’t discount your child’s feelings if they’re embarrassed or their feelings are hurt; however, these outcomes might not be the result of bullying. 

“For an action to be considered bullying, the behavior must be unwanted by the person experiencing the bullying and intentional on the part of the person who is bullying,” Westberg explained. “There needs to be a power imbalance, making it difficult for the victim to defend themself, and the action must be repeated.” 

Bullies intend to intimidate, harm or control their victim, and their actions can take the following forms:  

  • Physical violence 
  • Name calling, making threats or taunting 
  • Spreading rumors or intentionally ruining someone’s reputation 
  • Cyberbullying online or by text 

How to prevent bullying 

Westberg suggests communicating these messages to your kids to help them understand the potential impact of bullying. 

  • “Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected here.” Reinforce that everyone has the right to be treated with kindness and respect.  
  • “Your words and actions matter. Choose to be kind.” Help your kids understand the power of their behavior and encourage them to think before acting or speaking.  
  • “Everyone has something unique to offer. Let’s celebrate our differences and work together.” Promote inclusivity and appreciation for diversity, helping to prevent bullying that stems from misunderstandings or judgment.  
  • “Let’s build a community where everyone can be themselves and feel accepted for who they are.” Build a supportive and accepting community where everyone feels valued and safe.  
  • “Being a leader means standing up for others and doing the right thing, even when it’s hard.” Be a positive role model for your child. 

Build your child’s confidence 

Low self-esteem may make kids both more susceptible to being bullied and to bullying. A simple way parents can help their child build confidence is by listening to them and supporting their interests. 

Encourage your child to try new things in a safe environment to help them learn what they’re capable of and that failure is a natural part of growth. 

Many parents believe extracurriculars, including youth sports, can help kids feel more confident. First Tee and Harris Poll collaborated on research that shows that 90% of parents agree that youth sports coaches could impact their child’s ability to respect others. 

You can access additional resources on bullying at stopbullying.gov